経済産業省から家賃支援給付金が発表されました。English follows Japanese.
METI introduced “rent subsidy” for business who are suffering due to COVID 19.
1. Who can receive the subsidy?
(1)Small companies whose capital is less than 1 billion yen.
(2)From May to Dec in 2020, revenue in any month is 50% lower than the revenue in same month in 2019. OR, revenues in continuous 3 months is 30% lower than same months in 2019.
2. When you can apply?
From July 14 – Jan15 2021
3. How much you can receive?
Company : maximum 6 mil yen
Individual: maximum 3 mil yen
3. How to apply?
You can apply on line, but they would prepare the support center for people who feel difficult to apply by yourself.
We hope all small business could survive in this difficulty….